Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

It's Dec. 25, 2011. A day that we in the Christian world celebrate the birth of Jesus the Messiah. Christ followers around the world will participate in whatever cultural celebrations that they can. Here, we will gather with family for a not-so-quiet day of cooking, cleaning, talking, eating, unwrapping, more cleaning then goodbyes with well-wishes.
Today I think that we will do something a little different. I want to celebrate the Eucharist with my family. The Eucharist! At Christmas? Isn't that an Easter kind of thing?
Well, yes it is. But, if we understand the supper as a time of communion with God, then what better time to celebrate that then when we celebrate Yahweh's breaking into time and history to commune with us? If the Eucharist is a time when Christ's presence is with us, how much better is it a time to remember Emmanuel, God (present) with us?
I wish any who visit this a blessed holiday, but more than that, I wish you an experience. An experience of God's blessed presence through Christ the Messiah, in the power of the Holy Spirit.
God Bless Y'all!

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