Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Pot calling the Kettle Pot

This morning as I was praying and meditating I began to reflect on how God uses people and events for God's own good purposes. I have been praying for many months that God would use me. I have been trained and am gifted in certain things that just don't seem to be evident in my life. My life, in fact, is supremely ordinary and routine. I get up, get dressed, get breakfast, sit in my office to orient myself through devotion, go to work, come home, etc. "But, Yahweh," I ask,"when are You going to start to use me? When can I see the evidence of those things that I have been gifted for? When will You allow me to use my training?"
Then, today, I read an excerpt by Karl Rahner. In it he voiced my same frustrations about being caught in the ordinary and routine. How this seemed to take him far from God's presence. Then he wrote that it was in the ordinary stuff of daily life that God's life is present. This got me thinking about the various places where the writers of scripture refer to God as the potter. Is the pot cognizant of being a pot? Does the pot know when, or with what, God fills it? Yet, we cry out to God, "Fill me with this or that!" Our voices raised, we shout, "Don't feed that person or cause with what You have filled me with!" In our ignorance and arrogance we tell God that we must know all of the what, when, where, why and who before we will allow the Divine prerogative to be used.
We don't even know that we are pots. So, I guess all of that to say, if the ordinary seems, well ordinary, perhaps that is what God has chosen to fill me with today. I just need to chill and be a pot.

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